5 Ways You Are Over-Cleaning Your Home

Posted on 01/07/2020

Efficient House Cleaning Tips

overdoing house cleaning

Everyone dreams of maintaining a perfectly clean home. There are certain habits and domestic cleaning routines, however, which cross the line of normal house cleaning. There are many obsessive cleaners all around the world who spend hours every day wiping, scrubbing, rinsing, vacuuming, dusting, etc. Here are some of the most common ways that people are over-cleaning their homes.

1. Washing the sheets too often

You probably like the clean smell of just-washed sheets. Although regular washing is great for freshening up your sheets, it can also lead to wearing out of the fabric and fading of the colours. Washing your sheets once a month is enough for maintaining them clean especially during the winter when it is not so hot and you don’t sweat that often.

clean sheets

2. Vacuuming the carpets too often

Unless you have small kids that love playing on the floor, there is no need to vacuum the carpets too often. There certainly are some rugs with little foot traffic in your home that don’t have to be cleaned that often. Usually once a month is enough for these areas. Deep carpet cleaning on the other hand takes a lot of time and efforts. You need to use special rug cleaning products too. That is why if you accidentally spill a drink over your carpet, you need to act fast in order to remove the stain quickly and efficiently, but otherwise cleaning the carpets too often may damage their fibres and colours.

carpet cleaning

3. Washing kitchen towels too often

There is no need to wash the kitchen towels every time you do the laundry. Check out their condition before deciding to wash them. Do you smell some bad odour coming off them? Are there food stains on them? If not, you can definitely use them a few more days.

kitchen clean

4. Washing the bath towels too often

Washing the bath towels too often is also an unnecessary thing to do as you usually use them after you’ve washed your hands or body. Keep in mind that bath towels don’t get as dirty as the towels in the kitchen and you can wash them less frequently.

washing towels

5. Washing clothes too often

Washing clothes too often can result in ruining the fabrics. The colours will fade sooner and the fabrics will wear out easily. In addition you need to be careful with the amount of detergent you use when washing your clothes. Depending on the clothes you put into the washing machine, go with your gut and decide if a full cup is the right amount or you can go with half a cup. Big companies usually come up with what they think is the appropriate amount of detergent that you need to pour in, but don’t forget that there is a dose of sales and marketing in that too. That is why most of the time you don’t need to use so much detergent and you can also save some money.

clean clothes

These are 5 of the most common home cleaning habits that are definitely a sign that you are over-cleaning your home. Maintaining a clean and tidy home is not an easy thing to do at all. However, there are many things that you can do every two weeks or even once a month and still have peace of mind that you are paying attention to the cleanliness in your house.

Andy Smith
Andy Smith

Passionate about Eco-friendly cleaning, Andy is a cleaning expert with many years of experience. He has helped hundreds of home and business owners enjoy hygienic and fresh-smelling property.

Company info
Company name: Clean Carpets
Telephone: 020 3397 8287

Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 07:00-22:00
Street address: 67 Highbury Park
Postal code: N5 1UA
City: Greater London
Country: United Kingdom
Latitude: 51.5559790 Longitude: -0.0981970
E-mail: office@cleancarpets.co
Description: Our carpet and rug cleaning company in London carries out domestic rug cleaning and office carpet cleaning professionally and also handles upholstery cleaning.
