12 Cleaning Facts that, Surprisingly, Aren't Common Knowledge

Posted on 05/05/2023

Interesting House Cleaning Facts and Options

facts about cleaning

How many things do you know about home cleaning? Probably a lot, and you must think yourself as good as the professional cleaners, being able to tackle every single stain that endangers the cleanliness of your home. Well, you would be surprised at how many people are very much unlike you. No, not because they don’t know which end of the mop is the one that cleans the floor, but it is close enough. There are actually a lot of cleaning facts that people are unaware of, and have trouble processing once they are told. And here are some of them.

1.    A microfiber cloth can replace almost every cleaning tool.
Modern science has introduced the microfiber cloth to solve humanity’s house cleaning problems. It is an organic way to clean without any chemicals – simply rub / wipe, rinse, repeat until full cleanliness is achieved.

microfiber cloth

2.    Baking soda and white vinegar can replace almost any cleaning product...
How do you think your grandparents got their home clean before the brand products came to be?

3.    ... but not when mixed. Don’t mix them. Ever.
Well, you can, if you are making an artificial volcano as a science project. But unless you want to increase your home cleaning duties, you should not mix them up.

eco-friendly cleaning

4.    Lemon juice is a disinfectant as well as a refreshing deodoriser.
A slice of lemon a day can keep every surface bacteria-free, and smelling fresh. And a bit sticky, but you can fix that with a moist rag.

5.    Most ovens’ lid can be lifted for easier cleaning.
Yes, that is shocking. All this time you had to go carefully around all the hot plates when you could have just lifted the lid and done the oven cleaning with no problems.

oven cleaning

6.    Windows can be cleaned with newspaper.
You probably heard that from your grandmother and always thought it was a jest. Well, try it and see who’s laughing.

old newspapers

7.    Vacuum cleaners have to be cleaned.
Just as you have to wash your mop after mopping the floors, you have to clean the sweeper head of your vacuum cleaner after going through half your house’s dust and dirt.

8.    Steam cleaning and dry steam cleaning are not the same thing.
Yes, some people do have trouble processing this. Steam cleaning uses vaporised water, dry steam cleaning uses dissolving chemicals. The difference is quite big.

steam cleaning

9.    Salt can clean your dishes.
If you have a greasy pot or dish, or a very stubborn stain, just sprinkle some salt on the trouble spots, add water, leave it for a while and see how fast the grease cleans out afterwards.

10.    A cleaning cloth has at least 4 sides.
Wipe a stain with a cloth. Now fold over the side you cleaned with and proceed. Now fold again over the dirty side. And again. Depending on how big your cloth is, you can fold and clean a few times before the need for switching cloths arises.

cleaning supplies

11.    Brand soap is not better than generic dish soap.
Brand soaps have all sorts of chemicals in them. Guess what dish soap has. Water and salts for foaming. Guess which one is healthier and less likely to cause an allergy.

odour removal

12.    Baking soda is also an odour-killer.
Another great property of this almost flawless product is its ability to kill odours, provided you rub it well enough over the source of the smell.

If you feel educated enough, then nothing should be able to stand in the way of your home cleaning now. Grab the cleaning gear and go wild on that dirty house.

Andy Smith
Andy Smith

Passionate about Eco-friendly cleaning, Andy is a cleaning expert with many years of experience. He has helped hundreds of home and business owners enjoy hygienic and fresh-smelling property.

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